Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama´s cookie policy

We use our own and third-party cookies, they are only limited to collecting technical information to identify the session to obtain statistical information, facilitate safe and efficient access to the website, to provide you with better service on the page. If you continue browsing this site we will assume that you agree that Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama may collect personal information from its Users while they use the Website, the Application, or the Linked Pages (Landing Page). Users may choose to store this personal information on the website, the application, or on the linked portal (Landing Page), to facilitate transactions and services to be provided by the Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama and/or their linked portals (Landing Page). Therefore, Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama uses different tracking and data collection technologies such as its own and third-party Cookies, this is the analysis tool that helps website and application owners understand how visitors interact with Their properties. This tool may use a set of cookies to collect information and provide website usage statistics without personally identifying visitors to Google.

This information allows us to understand your browsing patterns and offer you personalized services. Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama may use these technologies to authenticate you, to remember your preferences for the use of the website, the application, and the linked pages (Landing Page), to present offers that may be of interest to you, and to facilitate transactions, to analyze the use of the website, the application or the linked pages and their services, to use it in aggregate or combine it with the personal information we have and share it with authorized entities. Below you will find the list of cookies used on the website

If a user does not want their personal information to be collected through Cookies, they can change the preferences in their web browser. However, it is important to note that, if a web browser does not accept Cookies, some of the functionalities of the website, the application, and/or the linked pages (Landing Page) may not be available or may not function correctly. You can allow, block, or delete cookies installed on your device by configuring the options of the browser installed on your device, as follows:

Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama
Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama
Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama
Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama
Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama
Hotel Rosario de Mar By Tequendama